UK Chapters contact: 
London – Ruairi O’Farrell (2017)

See the London and Scottish Chapter Events >> here.

Ireland Chapters contact: 
Patrick Crawford

See the Irish Chapter Events >> here.

UAE Chapter contact:
Killian Crowley (2017)
& Conor Groome (2021)

See the UAE Chapter Events >> here.

Toronto Chapter contact:
Hannah Sullivan (2019)

New York Chapter contact: 
Garrett Ronan

See the NYC Chapter Events >> here.

USA Mid-Atlantic Chapter contact:
James Enright

See the USA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Events >> here.

Seychelles Chapter contact: 
Jean-Marc Larue (2014)

See the Seychellois Chapter Events >> here.

India Chapter contact:
Delhi – Ish Anand (1990)

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