PiecesOfMindIn 2010 (and reprinted in 2011) Ken launched a book entitled “Pieces Of Mind” subtitled “Over 600 little gems from the writings of Ken O’Sullivan.”

Pieces Of Mind was produced in gratitude for all the joy Ken has  derived from writing.  It is somewhat unusual in one respect, namely that it is not for sale but given away freely. There are over 900 printed copies in circulation. Ken’s only objective is for the work to get into the hands of as many people as possible, therefore Ken is delighted to offer a pdf copy for all Shannon Alumni to download.

Here are some of the things readers have been saying about it:

 “I love it and can’t put it down. I have it on my desk and when I need inspiration – there it is!”

“Every day I dip into it for a new insight.”

“It is a delight to dip into at any time of the day.”

“What a thought provoking inspirational book.  Really enjoying it.”

“The variety and contrasts in tone are delightful.”

“Your book caused quite a stir in the intensive care unit… it is the kind of wisdom that really appeals to nurses.”

“As I browse through it, it is, as you promised, provoking many reactions – smiles and tears and memories and more.”


To download Pieces of Mind, simply click on the image of the book above and enjoy!

Ken O’Sullivan 
(Rudolf Candrian promotion 1960-64)

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