Wishing Barry Carroll and his partner the very best of luck with their new Lost Property app for the hotel industry – WeFoundIt.ie

The App brings the age old lost and found book into the modern foreground. Basically, it is an app and front desk software application that allows housekeeping staff and also general Hotel staff to upload, log and record lost property items that guests have left behind after their stay in a hotel room.

The app is very simple as it allows the user to upload items in picture format of the lost item which is then stored by the app on a cloud server. It also comes with a desk top application/version that reception staff can easily access and search by date of stay and key word for lost items in picture form at the front desk and in turn reunite the guest with their lost item. Reception staff also have the option of e mailing the guest a picture of the item to confirm it is there item. 

Barry is happy to demo the App to hoteliers and will look favourably on alumni when it comes to pricing 😉

Good luck Barry!

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