Mary Walsh Kavanagh, Class of 1983 is currently working in Interior Design in the USA.

What 3 words best describe your experience as a student of Shannon College?

Discipline, adventure, hard work.

What college memory still makes you smile?

John O’Sullivan sharing views on life and philosophy in Micky Vaughan’s kitchen.

If you had to re-live your time in Shannon College, would you do anything differently?

Would have found better housing and played more sports.

What advice would you give to your 20 year old self?

Be assertive and don’t hang back, it is okay to try new things and learn as you go.

In your life, what achievement are you most proud of?

Overcoming mental health along with major physical health challenges while still working and growing than ever at age 60.

What qualities do you think are most important to have for a rewarding career?

Self reliance and sense of humor and the ability to take risk, fall and recover.

What has been the biggest challenge you have faced during Covid-19?

Staying clear of the “ downers” and finding the silver lining.

Do you have words of wisdom that you try to live by?

Show integrity in your work and relationships, be fair to your self and those around you, and always do so with heart.

What advice do you have for current SCHM students who are looking for inspiration and hope?

Difficulties are presented in life to help you prove to yourself what you are made of.

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